Scrub Practitioner: Role Explained in Simple Terms

In the fast-paced and intense environment of an operating room (OR), there’s a vital role that often goes unnoticed—the scrub practitioner. While surgeons may get all the attention, scrub practitioners are the ones making sure everything in the surgery runs smoothly. They’re like the backbone of the operation, quietly supporting the team to ensure every procedure is a success.

But what exactly does a scrub practitioner do? And why is their job so crucial? Let’s dive into their world, using simple terms to explain the amazing work they do behind the scenes.


1.) You are to maintain the integrity of sterility of the entire field. In your best of ability, prepare the needed supplies and equipment and inform the surgeon if there is any issues.

2. ) You are also responsible in preparing the patient before the surgery and immediate care after the surgery.

3. ) Coordinate with the circulator for any additional supplies and equipment needed.

4. ) Do a surgical count during a closure of an organ or tissues and inform the surgeon if it is complete or there is any discrepancies.

5.) Confirm with the surgeon the name, description, and correct labelling of the specimen and sent it to the laboratory or wherever the surgeon instructed the specimen to be sent.

6.) Hand over the patient to the recovery room staff for continuity of care.

Scrubbing is scary at times but the fulfillment at the end of each day that you were able to safely care for your patient is a rewarding experience.

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